
We received a great gift today: dictionaries from the Orangetown Rotary Club and Orange & Rockland Utilities!


In your dictionary, find a word you didn't know.  Tell us the word and what it means.  Then read your classmates' words and try to use one in a sentence!

24 thoughts on “Dictionaries!

  1. word: megaphone
    a cone or electric device that amplifies the sound of a voice

    Limber – My friend Sydney is very limber when she does gymnastics.

  2. Word: resolute

    Meaning: adjective, determined, purposeful, earnest.

    Sentence: I was resolute in doing my homework well.

  3. Word: avocation

    Meaning: noun, A hobby

    friends word: zealous

    sentence: I am very zealous about dancing.

  4. word: knave
    meaning: noun, a jack in a deck of cards
    friends word: zealous
    sentence: I am zealous to go to grandma’s house this weekend.

  5. word:prologue

    meaning: an introduction to a play or a story.

    sentence:Santa does the prologue in the Christmas Spectacular.

  6. The word: abacus

    The meaning; A frame holding parallel rods with beads used for doing arithmetic.

    Sentence:The name of one of the province in Canada is Ontario.

  7. Word: commencement.

    Definition: 1) The beginning. 2) The ceremony of graduation.


    Sentence: Bobby was glad that it was close to the commencement of gym period.

    Sentence for Carly’s word: I was resolute to win the race.

  8. navigate- to direct or mange (ship,aircraft, boat,ect.) on its course.
    I help my dad navigate our boat through a channel.

    You must be very valor to stand up to a dragon.

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