Issues: Research Resources
Topics come from the world around us…think about what’s going on in the news: odds are that you can name a few controversial topics. Take a look at...
Mentimeter and What Is It?
The Mentimeter app was started by Swedish entrepreneur Johnny Warström as a response to unproductive meetings and has made it’s way into education to create formative assessments, spark discussions...
Science Research Launch
This class requires students to use articles from “peer-reviewed” journals. You mat hear other words like “refereed journals” or “scholarly journals” to describe the same type of journals. What...
First Amendment Explained
The First Amendment, sometimes called Amendment 1, is the first amendment to the United States Constitution and is also one out of ten amendments in the Bill of Rights....
New York’s Digital Libraries
Below you will find a list of FREE sites for finding Primary Resources from New York State Organizations. Resources List Hudson River Valley Heritage Digital Culture of Metropolitan New...
About Citations
If you think about it, much of the information that goes into a paper or article can be organized into three groups: “common knowledge” “my ideas”, and “other people’s...
APA Style
The American Psychological Association (APA) Style is a set of rules for citing sources and formatting papers. The purpose of this guide is to serve as a ready reference...
Health Information Resources
Developed resources provided in this resource are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM). National Institutes of Health (NIH)under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012342 with teh University of Pittsburg,...
MLA Style
The Modern Language Association (MLA) Style is a set of rules for citing sources and formatting papers. The purpose of this guide is to serve as a ready reference...
Chicago Manual Style
Chicago Manual Style (CMS) has two documentation styles: notes and bibliographyand author-date (Turabian) reference. This formatting guide will provide the basics for formatting, key bibliographic features, and examples of citation for both above mentioned...