New York’s Digital Libraries
Below you will find a list of FREE sites for finding Primary Resources from New York State Organizations. Resources List Hudson River Valley Heritage Digital Culture of Metropolitan New...
Evaluating Online Resources
Effective evaluation of online materials requires a set of skills. To effectively evaluate online materials, you must be able to do proper speed reading and skimming of content, as...
Beyond Google
Beyond Google Dimensions AI Tip – use the limiters on the left and right, starting with the “Open Access” option DuckDuckGo “the search engine that doesn’t track you”...
Chromebook Care: Tips for Students and Teachers
Having your own laptop each day should make it easier for you to create great projects, keep track of your work and access information for your classes. Organize Your...
About Citations
If you think about it, much of the information that goes into a paper or article can be organized into three groups: “common knowledge” “my ideas”, and “other people’s...
APA Style
The American Psychological Association (APA) Style is a set of rules for citing sources and formatting papers. The purpose of this guide is to serve as a ready reference...
Health Information Resources
Developed resources provided in this resource are supported by the National Library of Medicine (NLM). National Institutes of Health (NIH)under cooperative agreement number UG4LM012342 with teh University of Pittsburg,...
OM Chanting + Tibetan Singing Bowls Meditation
This is a 1 Hour Version of mesmerisingly deep OM Chants....
Music for Yoga, Meditation and Calm
This full album by Silvercloud (composed by Elena Mironov) features acoustic grand piano and layers of strings/cello to help you calm the mind, release stress and to fall asleep...
Full Guided Yoga Nidra Meditation for Inner Peace and Calm
Calm & Heal are two guided yoga nidra meditations by Elena Mironov....