CART: Content Analysis Rating Tool Videos
CART is a software platform designed to guide users through a structured process for considering the most important factors to evaluate the overall reliability and bias of individual news...
@Tappan_Zee_HS Technology Support
In preparation for our return to work, we have curated a variety of technology resources to share with you that may support your needs as we transition into a...
NSRF: Scrambled Sentences
This protocol was developed in the field by educators affiliated with National School Reform Faculty (NSRF). Since 1994, the National School Reform Faculty has created and refined more than 200...
Library of Congress Professional Development
Task: In 1990, Dr. Rudine Sims Bishop wrote an essay, “Mirror, Windows, and Sliding Glass Doors,” which explains how literature can be the vehicle for equity for our students....
Eagle Eye Citizen
Eagle Eye Citizen engages secondary school students in solving and creating interactive challenges about Congress, American history, civics, and government with Library of Congress primary sources while developing civic...
Create a Graphic Novel With Google Slides
“Graphic Novel” is a format, not a genre. Graphic novels can be fiction, non-fiction, history, fantasy, or anything in-between. Graphic novels are similar to comic books because they use...
☀️Summer Resources @SmithsonianLab
As a user of the Smithsonian Learning Lab, you’re supported by a vast network of information, resources, and experts designed to bring the excitement of discovery and creativity to...
@Tappan_Zee_HS ☀️Summer Assignment: AP Chemistry
Access your summer assignment for AP Chemistry with this link. It is a review from your previous chemistry course. Please plan to complete it later in the summer so...
@Tappan_Zee_HS ☀️Summer Assignment: AP Art and Design
Welcome to AP Art and Design! Please join our google classroom. Use the code: xajipsl Once you have registered for our classroom you will find your summer assignments under...
Great Gatsby Primary Sources
One of the most iconic books in American literature, F. Scott Fitzgerald’s tragic tale The Great Gatsby remains the quintessential literary depiction of the 1920s. Published in 1925, Gatsby explores Americans’ increasing disillusionment...