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The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger

Get a copy of the book from the 11H teachers before the end of the school year.

        • Ms. Calcaterra in room 403
        • Ms. Duffy in room 407
        • Ms. Sorrese Lefkow in room 418.

OR purchase the text if you want to annotate as you read. OR visit one of the Mighty Five Libraries

Over the summer months, please prepare for initial class meetings by completing the assignment listed below. Be prepared for a quiz, essay, and/or discussion on summer work during the first few weeks of school. Your notes, which are due on the first day of class, will help to prepare you for these assessments as well as our in-class discussions.

TASK: The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger

  1. Read the entire novel, taking appropriate and useful notes from the entirety of the novel (4-6 pages, Times New Roman, 12 point font) for yourself as you proceed. These notes will facilitate your understanding of the text as a whole and your participation during early discussions of The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger.
  2. Suggestions for appropriate and useful notes are listed below. All notes should include page numbers and supporting quotes as evidence:
    • Identify characters (characterization, motivation, conflict).
    • Identify setting (time and place) and its effect on plot.
    • Identify and analyze other literary terms (symbolism, irony, structure, etc.).
    • Record your responses to characters and events in the text.
    • Record any questions you have as you read.
    • After reading, identify topics and possible related thematic statements.

*Please note that the above guidelines address the content of your notes only. As a student, you are responsible for employing a format of note-taking that best supports your own learning experience.
*All work is subject to plagiarism and AI detection system checks.

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