National Poetry Month, which takes place each April, is a celebration of poetry! This celebration was introduced in 1996 and organized by the Academy of American Poets as a way to increase awareness and appreciation of poetry in the United States. The Academy of American Poets’ website serves as a hub for information about local poetry events during the month. The organization also provides 30 Ways to Celebrate National Poetry Month in the Virtual Classroom! National Poetry Writing Month encourages writing a poem a day in celebration.

This is a great way to get started….The 2020 Quarantine “Book Spine” poetry CHALLENGE! Gather a few books, any books, that are laying around the house and read the books title. Arrange the book titles to make a poem. Just like regular poetry, you can create a poem that is serious or funny or on any topic.

If you get stuck trying to make a “Book Spine” poem, move the books around with their spines together so that the titles are like lines of a poem. Keep moving the books around into different stacks until you find lines that best go together to create a poem!

Document your “Book Spine” poem by using an iPad or a smartphone to take a picture.
Give your poem a title. Post your “Book Spine” poetry to social media…on twitter tag @LibraryTZHS or on instagram @TZHSLibrary.

Here is mine!
Can’t Wait to See What We Come Up With!

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