Having your own laptop each day should make it easier for you to create great projects, keep track of your work and access information for your classes.

Organize Your Work

  • Create a folder named “_th Grade”
  • Inside of that folder, create folders for each of your classes.
  • Use a shared folder for handing in work. Create a folder that you will share with your teacher. This folder will get shared with your teacher so that you can easily share assignments with them. You don’t want to share each individual document with your teacher unless they tell you to do so.
  • Name this folder following this format: Period #-lastname,first initial-Subject Name
    Example: Period 2-smithj-Social Studies

Protecting Your Chromebook

  • Don’t squish your Chromebook in between textbooks.
  • Don’t put your charger in the case pocket.
  • Leave your charger at home, charge it each night so that it is ready for school in the morning.
  • Don’t pick at keys or other parts of the Chromebook.
  • Don’t put stickers or other items that are difficult to remove on the case.
  • Use a luggage tag to identify which case is yours.
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