Web Links

The following resources may be helpful.

Grammar Resources ● General Literature Resources ● Authors ● Poetry ●  Reading Recommendations ● Writing ReferenceJust For Fun

Grammar Resources

Guide to Grammar and Writing Information on grammar, mechanics, and usage as well as the writing process

Grammar Handbook Basic information on parts of speech, clauses, and common usage problems

The Purdue Online Writing Lab A comprehensive site about writing and grammar including helpful guides, self-tests, and practice sets

Ms. McMane’s Grammar Handouts

Common Grammatical Errors  Thanks to Mrs. Vickers’ students for the suggestion!

Literature Resources


Bartleby.com: Great Books OnlineThe preeminent internet publisher of literature, reference, and verse providing unlimited access to books and information on the web

PROJECT GUTENBERG – Free Books On-Line library of classic works republished online

General Literary Resources Links to literary resources by language and period from MIT Libraries

Outstanding Books for the College Bound Looking for something good to read? Try one of these books recommended by the American Library Association for young adults.


American Authors on the Web authors and web links listed by time period

Voices From the Gaps an instructional Web site focusing on the lives and works of North American women writers of color

Native American Authors links from the Internet Public Library

Storytellers: Native American Authors Online Index of authors and sites

Multicultural Writers Database from Cornell University; links to many multicultural genres and authors

British Authors of the Victorian and Romantic Era From the British Library

IPL Online Literary Criticism Collection Main Page Index of over 4,000 critical and biographical websites about authors and their works


The Poetry Foundation Publishers of Poetry Magazine; search for poems, poets, video and audio recordings

Poets.org the award-winning website of the Academy of American Poets

Electronic Poetry Center from the University of Pennsylvania; authors’ pages, links to poetry journals, sound archive, etc.

University of Pennsylvania, Modern and Contemporary American Poetry

Poets & Writers Magazine

The Poetry Archive British website dedicated to poetry; listen to poems aloud, search for poems by author, title, or subject matter

Internet Poetry Archive features selected poems of contemporary poets

The Poetry Society of America Features Poetry Reviews from Publishers Weekly

Poetry Daily a growing anthology of contemporary published poets featuring a new poem every day

Verse. Bartleby.com Thousands of poems by hundreds of authors

buttonpoetry.com performance poetry including: video from local and national events, chapbooks, collaborative audio recordings, and criticism

Writing Resources

The Regents Exam A NY state guide to the exam and what it tests

The Five Paragraph Essay A general guide to writing a basic essay

Writing About Literature Some basic pointers

The Personal Essay a guide to writing the personal essay

Creative Writing Resources Ms. McMane’s Creative Writing class links

A Resource Guide to Writing Basics includes creative writing prompts, brainstorming ideas, research and editing help



TZHS’s Library Databases links to school databases

CQ Researcher Great information on a variety of current events and issues. tzhs/8456801670

Roget’s Thesaurus

Glossary of Literary Terms


Quotations – Bartleby.com

The Quotations Page

Quoteland.com– Quotations on every topic

Just for Fun

Ad*Access Over 7,000 advertisements printed in U.S. and Canadian newspapers and magazines between 1911 and 1955

AdiosBarbie.com: A Body Image Site for Every Body

Amazing Cat Collection Great photos of kitties from around the country

Anagramsite.com – A List of Anagrams Find out some anagrams for your own name

BizarreRecords.com See some of the world’s worst and funniest real record albums

Colorgenics Mood Test an analysis of your mood based on the colors you pick

Crazy Fads  Find out the popular fads from the 20’s until today

Dumb Laws Real laws still on the books

Engrish.com! View some of he humorous English mistakes that appear in overseas advertising and product design

Godiva Chocolate Because you love me and want to get me a present. Godiva’s open oysters are my favorite. (I’m just checking to see if anyone is reading this…)

Magic 8 Ball Find out the answers to your most important questions.

The Exploratorium’s Online Illusions Try “Bird in a Cage”

Phonespelling.com  What does your phone number spell?

Snopes.com Urban Legends reference pages… find out if those “true stories” are actually true before you forward them!

Whichbook.net Find the perfect book to suit your mood

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