English 10H Course Technology

In English 10H, you will be required to sign up for the following sites.  Please make sure to use your REAL FULL NAME (first and last) and use proper capitalization! This is an English class, after all.

turnitin.com This website allows students to check their work for grammar mistakes and inadvertent plagiarism.  We will use it for all major writing assignments, as well as occasional journal assignments. Some assignments will be collected in both hard copy (paper) format and digital format.  Others will be submitted entirely digitally. Failure to upload an assignment to turnitin.com on the due date will result in late penalties. See Google Classroom for your Class ID and password.

remind.com This website allows your teacher to send text or email reminders to students.  From time to time, I will remind you of due dates, or if I happen to be absent from school, may give you direct instructions on assignments. To sign up, use the link in Google Classroom.

Quizlet Join the English 10H Quizlet to access all practice assignments for quizzes and tests