
Hi Guys!

Parker is down for a nap, so I thought I’d write to say hello! ย I hope you are all doing your best work and enjoying the beautiful weather we had this week. ย I hope you are also getting ready for kickball next week!! Parker and I are doing well, and Tucker is helping me take good care of him. ย He even licks his feet when he cries to help calm him down ๐Ÿ™‚ ย Write me if you can and let me know how you are doing!!


Mrs. Benaquista

13 thoughts on “Hi!

  1. Hi Mrs. Benaquista,

    I hope Parker is doing well. We miss you and can’t wait until we see you again


    • Hi Megan,
      Thanks so much for writing to me! Parker is doing very well. He is 3 weeks old today. Already he is growing up too fast! I can’t wait to see you again too. How was field day? How is everything else going? Are you enjoying any books right now? Hope you are wonderful!! Talk to you soon!
      Mrs. Benaquista

  2. Hi Mrs.Mrs. Benaquista i am so glad that Parker is doing so well. i wish i could see you but you are a new mom. i cant wait to see you at the moving up ceremony. Tucker is being so kind to Parker that is good news because not all dogs like a new comer. I hope you get a lot of sleep.
    I hope you write back

    • Hi Maya!
      Thank you for writing to me! It is so nice to hear from you. I am VERY happy that Tucker likes Parker so much. We were a little nervous he would be very jealous. You are right; many times dogs do not like the new baby right away. Thank you for wishing me sleep! Overall Parker is a good sleeper, but I hope to get even more sleep as he gets bigger ๐Ÿ™‚ Talk to you soon! Miss you!
      Mrs. Benaquista

  3. Hi I am doing good. We had field day yesterday and grant won the quarter mile run again :). We didn’t come in first but we still had fun I just finished my should they sell chocolate essay and for soccer i made world class.

    p.s what was tucker’s reaction when he saw the baby

    • Hey Chris!
      Thanks for writing to me! I’m glad to hear that you had fun at field day! What was your favorite event? Did Grant win the quarter mile last year too or did he win in gym? CONGRATULATIONS ON MAKING WORLD CLASS SOCCER! That is fantastic. You should be really proud of yourself! I’m happy to hear that you completed your editorial essay. Are you happy with it? I’m sure you did a wonderful job. Tucker was very funny when he first Parker- he sniffed him, then licked him. Now he loves him very much and acts like his babysitter. If Parker cries, he runs to tell me. Every morning he gives him a good morning kiss (lick) on the head ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope to hear from you again soon!
      Mrs. Benaquista

  4. Hi Mrs. Benaquista! I hope you are having a good time at home with Parker. Field day was good but not the same with out you. We miss you and we hope we will get to see you and Parker soon!

    • Hi Bridget,
      Thank you for writing to me! I am enjoying Parker very much. He is a very sweet little baby ๐Ÿ™‚ He is 3 weeks old already today. I can’t believe it! I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed field day. I wish I could have been there to have fun with you all. I miss you too and am happy I will be able to see you before you become sixth graders!!
      Mrs. Benaquista

      • Hi Mrs. Benaquista. Sorry I haven’t written to you in a while. In social studies we are finishing up the state report. My state is Wisconsin. I’m really enjoying researching it! I love the book I am Malala. Tomorrow there is a field trip to Tallman Park and after school is 5th grade fun night. I cant wait till you come back!

      • Hi! I don’t know if you got my other letter from about a week or two ago because when I looked on the blog it wasn’t there. All I said was in social studies we are doing state reports. My state is Wisconsin and I am enjoying learning about it! In math we just finished graphs and now we are doing a review of everything we learned this year. I hope you get some sleep. Parker must keep you awake all night. We got knew tables on Monday, so some people have knew seats. Say hi to Parker for me.

    • Hi Chris!
      Thanks for writing me! I’m happy to hear from you ๐Ÿ™‚ Parker and I are doing very well. He is a happy baby and has been making me very happy too. Tucker is being a very good big brother and helping me take care of Parker. If Parker cries, he runs to tell me and he gives him kisses (licks) every morning to say good morning. It is very cute. How are you doing? I hope you had fun at field day and are doing your best work in class! How is baseball going? The weather has been so nice, hopefully you have had lots of great games! Hope to hear from you again soon.
      Mrs. Benaquista

  5. Hey Mrs. Benaquista! Sorry this is a bit late, I just went on the blog today! I hope you, Parker, and your husband are doing well. We all miss you so much! I made the world class soccer team! I have 3 dance recitals as well. And my feet hurt! Hopefully yours don’t! We all miss you so much and if you ever need a babysitter, I’m great with kids ๐Ÿ™‚

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