Turkey Disguise Challenge

Turkeys receiving a presidential pardon date back to the days of Lincoln. According to one story, Lincoln’s son, Tad, begged his father to write a presidential pardon for the bird meant for the family’s Christmas table. Tad argued that the turkey had as much of a right to live as anyone. Lincoln acquiesced and the turkey lived!

On November 14, 1989, President George H.W. Bush was the first to actually offer a turkey pardon. For more information, read The Definitive History of the Presidential Turkey Pardon and from the White House Archives: Thanksgiving with the Presidents. In the video below President Obama grants the traditional Thanksgiving pardon.

We might not be able to pardon a turkey, but we can disguise a turkey to help him/her escape a Thanksgiving meal. Listen to Wendi Silvano’s picture book, Turkey Trouble.

Turkey’s idea was to look like another animal instead. Let’s continue his idea. This month’s challenge is to disguise turkey as an animal. Be unique, creative and ingenious to help save turkey.

  1. Select an animal to disguise Turkey.
  2. Print and decorate Turkey.
  3. Complete an entry form and explain why Turkey’s disguise is so unique – Turkey Entry Form.
  4. Deadline for the Turkey Disguise Challenge is Friday, November 17th.

Have Fun!



Every night in the United States an estimated 600,000 people live on the streets. This October, SoulPancake and Kid President want 2 million people to prove that even the smallest acts of love, like donating a pair of socks, can make a big difference in the lives of our neighbors who are homeless.

Socktober was launched by Kid President creator Brad Montague five years ago. It’s a movement to get kids and grown-ups to help the homeless in an easy, fun way.

Last year, more than 10,000 schools, families, businesses, and churches rallied together to bring Socktober to life. People from every state and continent have taken part in Socktober! This year, William O. Schaefer is participating and we are having a “Sock Drive” until the last week in October!

All of the socks we collect as a community will be donated to a local shelter.