
Measuring Angles — Rotate the protractor to place it correctly and then measure the angle. 

Alien Angles — This is very cool, but challenging. You are given an angle measurement and must set the rocket to shoot at that angle to hit the alien. Then, when you shoot the rocket into space, it tells you how precise your estimate was. Practice Makes Perfect!!!

Age of the Angles Online Game — This is an awesome game to help reinforce protractor, angle measurement, and angle measure estimation skills. Practice using a protractor to measure angles in the “practice” mode and estimate angle measures in the “play mode.” In the play mode, see how many angle measures you can successfully estimate before exhausting your 100 angle measure limit.

Drawing Angles — Watch and learn how to draw angles with a protractor.  Then go to your workbook pages 227, 228, and 229 to practice drawing angles.  Good luck!!