845-680-1533 kmcbride@socsd.org
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National Cookie Day

National Cookie Day

Monday, December 4th is National Cookie Day. National Cookie Day on December 4th serves up a sweet treat. Bakers across the country warm up the ovens for holiday baking, and we enjoy giving tins of cookies to friends and family all season long. Read 5 Things to Know...

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Toy Challenge

Toy Challenge

It's the Holiday season and a perfect time to create a toy for someone.  It could be a game for a friend.  Learn to sew and make a stuffed animal for a baby brother or sister.  Paint a hopscotch board for your class for indoor recess.  Carve and paint a wooden toy for...

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Turkey Time

Turkey Time

Turkeys receiving a presidential pardon date back to the days of Lincoln. According to one story, Lincoln’s son, Tad, begged his father to write a presidential pardon for the bird meant for the family’s Christmas table. Tad argued that the turkey had as much of a...

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Fibonacci was an Italian man who studied math and theories back in the 11th century. His birthday is known to be November 23rd. He discovered a pattern called the Fibonacci sequence. Here's a stunning video that visually relates how nature and math are absolutely...

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Watch Bet You Didn't Know: Thanksgiving and find out which traditional recipes weren't served at the first Thanksgiving celebration. CHALLENGES: Comment with your family's favorite recipe.  Let us know if you made and tried someone else's dish. Write a letter to a...

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Monthly Challenges

Enrichment Rooms

Daily Jumble

Genius Hour

Genius Hour



Play with Words

Play with Words

CLE Interviews

CLE Interviews

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade
