Hey Mike, “What day is today?’
Camel, “Hump daaaayyyyys!”
Wednesdays is dedicated to doing something, wacky, witty and/or wondrous.
This week 5/18 I’m going to make spaghetti do its own Tik Tok dance. Watch Mrs. McBride’s Dancing Spaghetti. This experiment has to do with the principles of buoyancy and a chemical reaction. To find out why and to learn how to do it yourself, watch this video – Dancing Spaghetti Experiment.
*Give it a try and add your video/picture and results to our Dancing Spaghetti.
This week 5/11 let’s build a Pringles Ringle. Can you build a ring using only 1 can of Pringles with no tape or glue? Here’s Mrs. McBride’s Pringles Ringle! Find out more about physics and interactive forces – The Science behind the Pringles Challenge.
*Give it a try and add your video/picture and results to our Pringles Ringle.
This week 5/4 I’m trying an activity I used to do as a child, Shrinky Dinks. It was a kit that had images you colored, placed in the oven and watched them shrink. Well on one of the websites I found, people are doing this activity with take-out plastic containers, so I wanted to try – Mrs. McBride’s Shrinky Dink. Watch Steve Spangler’s Shrinking Plastic for more details or Flash Science: Heat Shrinking Plastic.
*Give it a try and add your video/picture and results to our Shrinking Plastic.
This week 4/27 I’m trying something I never knew before. Did you know hot sauce cleans a penny? Here I am giving it a try – Mrs. McBride + Hot Sauce + A Penny. Steve Spangler does a great job determining which ingredients caused the reaction to happen, Cleaning a Penny with Taco Sauce. At the end of the video, I shared a special project you might want to try. Here is the book, The Hundred Penny Box. I can’t find it online, but I do have it at school. You can borrow when we return.
*Give it a try and add your video/picture and results to our Hot Sauce and a Penny.
This week 4/20 let’s experiment with a rainbow. Have you ever tried to create a walking rainbow? Here I am trying to give it a try – Mrs. McBride’s Walking Rainbow. Do you want to know the science behind this? Read more about capillary action on Rainbow Walking Water Science Experiment for Kids. Check out this video with many more experiments on capillary action – Science Mom’s Guide to Water, Part 3 – Capillary Action.
*Give it a try and add your video/picture and results to our Walking Rainbow Padlet.
4/13 Let’s get experimenting. Have you ever tried Can Racing. Here’s Mrs. McBride in quarantine giving it a try – McBride’s Can Racing. Do you want to know why some roll faster than others? Watch Steve Spangler 0n DIY Sci Watch the Zoom Racing Cans.
*Give it a try and add your video/picture and results to our Racing Cans Padlet.
Whoa! Dancing spaghetti looks really cool!
A a few years ago I tried something like that with cranberries and it worked great!
this looks really fun!