Yes, just like the blog posts states you get to type a tone.
Try this new website that I just learned about – Typatone! It comes from the makers of Patatap.
In Patatap, you are able to create visual fireworks by typing on a keyboard. Each key corresponds to a shape and sound. Typatone is similar, but it allows you to create music with a sentence! The website is free to use.
Try writing poetry or sentences with figurative language to see how it sounds. How cool would it be to have you next spelling test administered this way? Students would need to listen to the sounds of different letters, and then guess what word was spelled.
This is a fun version of Morse Code!
This website is so cool. I made music with a keyboard. What can be cooler than that?
What kind of music? What did you notice? What can you do with it?
This is good because it inspires me and other people to learn new words and have fun with them. It is neat because this makes us more musical in way a too.
This is difficult, but fun and creative to use. If you want to play a tune it’s hard to find a good note. At the same time it is fun if you figure out the keys. If you do figure out the notes you can make cool melodies with keys.
This was so fun and all you had to do was type.
That was so fun!