845-680-1533 kmcbride@socsd.org
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SOCES is excited to read and celebrate Victoria Coe’s Fenway and Hattie in grades k-5.  You will get to know an energetic Jack Russell terrier, Fenway, and all of his friends.  Eventually, you will find out that Fenway has to move to the suburbs and adjust to his new home.

Check out this year’s PARP book trailer.


To keep Fenway busy and happy, your challenge is to design and create a model obstacle course for him.  Use your creativity, household materials, craft supplies, etc. to help Fenway enjoy an obstacle course in his new home.


  1. Create a model obstacle course for Fenway.
  2. Make your design is a reasonable size.
  3. Include a path Fenway has to travel through the course.
  4. Submissions must include your full name, grade, and teacher.
  5. Deadline for all entries is Wednesday, May 8th.