845-680-1533 kmcbride@socsd.org
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“Dorothy Vaughan was a mathematician, a human computer, and an electronic computing pioneer who helped send satellites into space and put the first man on the moon. Back when NASA was called NACA, Vaughan led around 400 female African American mathematicians within NASA Langley‘s segregated West Area Computing unit.” ~From the Kid Should See This

Watch these videos next:
• Katherine Johnson, the girl who loved to count
• Celebrating Sally Ride, the first American woman in space
• France A. Córdova – Nautilus’ Spark of Science

To Do:

  1. Pick one or more of these amazing women.  Post an interesting fact(s) you learned in the comment section.
  2. Post a special comment about a wonderful woman in your life.  Please give reasons and details.
  3. Extra Challenge:  Use ChatterPix app to share your knowledge in a creative, fun way. Post your creation to this slide show – Women’s History Month Slide Show.  Please check out the samples in the slideshow.  They are really fun to make.
  4. Ask your parents if you can watch the movie, Hidden Figures.