845-680-1533 kmcbride@socsd.org
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This month’s challenge is inspired by the penny.

Some wonder if there’s such a thing as finding a lucky penny.  Find out more here at Wonderopolis, Are Pennies Lucky? My grandmother would always say to me, “Penny for your thoughts?” I would then share with her what I was thinking about, and we would talk together.  Have you ever inspected a penny close up or tried the Hot Sauce and Penny Experiment?

The Hundred Penny Box is a must read book.  Michael loves his great-great-aunt Dew, even if she can’t always remember his name. He especially loves to spend time with her and her beloved hundred penny box, listening to stories about each of the hundred years of her life. Michael’s mother wants to throw out the battered old box that holds the pennies, but Michael understands that the box itself is as important to Aunt Dew as the memories it contains.

Part 2 – The Hundred Penny Box
Part 3 – The Hundred Penny Box
Part 4 – The Hundred Penny Box

The Challenge:
1. Find a penny for each year you have been alive.
2. Place them all in a box.  Feel free to decorate your box.
3. Research an important event in history and in your own life that happened each year of your life.
4. Complete the Penny Challenge Entry Form.
5. Shine your pennies using the experiment linked above.
6.  All entries are due Thursday, January 20th.

This challenge is worth every penny!
Have fun!