Alternative Fuels Assignment #1

After watching the documentary on Gasoline, you now have an idea of how crude oil is processed into usable fuels, distributed through out the planet, stored and the environmental cost upon the combustion of it.  As you all know, electric/ hybrid cars are here.  In fact, Volvo has promised to be all electric by 2021 and GM has said they will also go all electric but has not set a deadline.  You are to write a report on google docs addressing toe listed topics and share with me.

  1.  In an effort to reduce emissions, the US government has mandated that a percentage of gasoline be ethanol.
    a) How does ethanol reduce emissions? (compare to 100% gasoline combustion)
    b) Explain all the pros and cons of ethanol in terms of emissions and whether or not it saves you money.  Include the cost of auto repairs, has the grocery bill gone up? What do the farmers think?
  2. Fossil Fuel, a limited resource.  What does NASA now say and did Russian scientist Nikolai Kudryavtsev say about this?  What do you think?
  3. As we steer away from “fossil fuels” we see companies pushing electric cars.  This stems from the efforts of people like Elon Musk and federal mandates on protecting the environment. But this is a new idea, in the 90’s GM had an electric car that was supposed to be great.  People loved them   So what happened?  Why did they make it? Who killed the GM electric car and why?  Where would GM be today if kept going forward with the electric car?
  4. The movie showed the process for creating fuel, distribution, storage and the environmental issues upon combusting it.  Compare and/or contrast the infrastructure of America if/when the auto industry goes 100% electric.   Address production, distribution, storage and usage(how do electric cars differ from those using the internal combustion engine and what are the environmental concerns)?