Games for a Cause

Below are a few games that you can play that will also contribute to a greater cause.

Remember, ‘Tis the Season to Give Back!

Leave a comment below and let me know which game you like best and why.

geowiki60By 2050 we will need to feed more than 2 billion additional people on the Earth. By playing Cropland Capture, you will help us to improve basic information about where cropland is located on the Earth’s surface. Thank you very much for helping science and solving the hunger problem!
Play Cropland Capture either in your browser here:
Cropland Capture is available on the AppStore here:
or on GooglePlay here:

logoFreerice is a non-profit website that is owned by and supports the United Nations World Food Programme. Freerice has two goals: Provide education to everyone for free AND help end world hunger by providing rice to hungry people for free. This is made possible by the generosity of the sponsors who advertise on the site. You can play the game in English, Korean, French, Italian and Spanish.
Play Free Rice in your browser here:

click-for-your-charityClick For Your Charity is an advertising supported, free donation website currently focused on clean water. Human beings can live about 10x longer without food than they can without water, 40 and 4 days respectively. All you have to do is click on an advertisement, watch the add and a week’s worth of clean water will be given to someone in need. Pretty simple.
You can access Click For Your Charity in your browser here: was established in order to help the world hunger problem. Playing at FreeFlour improves your knowledge of the world around you. Each time you answer a question correctly FreeFlour will donate an amount of money equivalent to one spoon of flour to multiple charities. They use your donations to: Buy food for the hungry. Take food to the hungry. Help the hungry feed themselves. Make sure food arrives in the right place, at the right time.
You can access FreeFlour in your browser here:

answer4earthAnswer4Earth was founded as a call to action to the people of the world in response to our growing environmental crisis. It has reached a critical stage where the average global citizen can no longer just stand by idly hoping for others to solve this problem. Just by you playing this game, trees will be planted throughout the world. In addition to helping stem global warming, the trees planted by Answer4Earth partner charities clean the air, improve soil quality, prevent erosion, create animal habitats, sustain valuable water sources, and provide healthy nutrition to needy populations.
Access Answer4Earth in your browser here:

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