Monthly Update!

The school year is flying by!

The class has made a nice adjustment. We are in full swing. All pieces of the class and curriculum are under way.

Our morning routines are still focused on math and grammar. The class can edit sentences and identify nouns, verbs, and adjectives.

We have concluded the unit on Geometry in math. The class enjoyed working with shapes and identifying the features of two and three dimensional figures.

In Reader’s Workshop we are almost finished with the unit on non-fiction. Our last piece is to form some book clubs on their topic of choice.

In Fundations the focus had been on suffixes and now is changing to long vowel sounds using a vowel – consonant – e pattern.

During Writer’s Workshop the class is concluding our non-fiction writing piece with an Expert Book. It is exciting to see the different interests of the students.

In Social Studies we have completed the unit on Citizenship and will be looking at maps next.

In Science our unit is solids and liquids.

We have had three Stars of the Week so far and they have been very entertaining. The class is learning so much about each other.

We continue to work on self-esteem with Mr. Jones and are reading books focused on debate topics with Mrs. Eyer. The class can really support and refute a topic. It truly is amazing to watch them.

Ask the students about their adventures and post your favorite so far.


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