January Happenings

Happy New Year to All!

When we returned from our long break the class fell right back into routine. It was scold month but a fun one.

The class is working on identifying parts of speech in a sentence. They can successfully identify nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs in a sentence while looking for grammatical errors.

In Reader’s Workshop we have begun a unit on non-fiction reading. The children are focusing on the elements of this type of text. They are able to identify and use, photographs, bold print, captions, glossary, index, table of contents, and close-ups. During independent reading they are identifying and reading this type of genre.

This is connected to our Writer’s Workshop unit on writing their own Expert Books using what they have learned in Reader’s Workshop. Boy, they are experts in the most usual things:)

In Science we are now focusing on liquids and their properties. The children are very curious how states of matter change.

Math has been successful. The class has developed a sense for numbers and their value. We have just wrapped up the unit on place value.

We continue to see Mr. Sulsky for lessons for Enrichment, but now Ms. Akdemir will take his place. He will be missed but we wish him we’ll on his new full time position.

Mrs. Kaplan has come to the classroom to work with us on some exercises connected to motor control and we even have decorated the bulletin board outside of the cafeteria. It is focused on the word of the month “Caring.”

The class also was very passionate about changing what they receive for Character Education. They have written persuasive letters to Dr. Lee in hopes to change the item. The committee is reviewing the letters and interviewing us on our responses. They hope to make a difference. Check out Dr. Lee’s Blog to see what we have written.

The class is also excited to see if the groundhog will see his shadow or not. We all hope he doesn’t!


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