This month went by so quickly! The class thought we would never get to the break but it came quicker than we thought. I guess…Time flies when you are having fun!
We continued with our spiral review in our morning math lessons along with identifying parts of speech while editing incorrect sentences. The class has become very good at using adjectives to describe nouns and comparing verbs using past, present, and future endings.
We continue to focus on Place Value in Math. Ask your child to explain how they get their answers when adding and subtracting double digit numbers and adding and subtracting multiple numbers. They are truly understanding the value of a number.
In Reader’s Workshop we continue focusing on the elements of a story to strengthen comprehension skills with our Read Aloud and in small group work.
In Writer’s Workshop we have completed our Personal Narrative Writing Unit. The class did a wonderful job learning and incorporating; strong opening sentences, closing sentences, inserting information, writing complete sentences, adding in adjectives, similes, and onomonpia. The class helped each other by giving each other warm and cool feedback. This helped with editing their work.
We continued to work on different communities in Social Studies and Solids and Liquids in Science.
Here is to a new year with many new topics to focus on.