
Our book of the month by Cynthia Rylant, An Angel for Solomon Singer, demonstrates optimism.

It also provides wonderful opportunities for philosophical discussions. For example:
  • What is home?
  • What makes a place a home?
  • Do we need a home? Why or why not?
  • Is being home about a place outside of us, or about something inside us?
  • Can we be at home anywhere?
  • Do homes change?
  • Can a home become no longer a home?Does home mean the same thing to all people?
Remember Mr. Onativia’s optimistic words, “I choose to be happy. I choose to look at the good. I possess the qualities to be happy and successful.” Practice optimism this month. Try the daily affirmations from our Character Education page, October’s Superpower is Optimism.

Don’t Feed the Monster!

Today we had our first Character Education lesson with Mr. Jones. We read the story Odd Velvet and talked about our self- esteem and how we can handle how we feel. We also discussed how our actions can also effect someone else’s self esteem. After our read aloud, we practice some deep breathing and stretching!


September’s Superpower is courage!

  • Courage is strength in the face of pain or grief; the quality of being brave; valor; heroism.
  • Courage means sacrificing your needs for the needs of another.
  • Courage means taking a risk and facing your fears.
  • It takes courage to admit you have made a mistake.
  • It takes courage to stand up for someone who is being teased.

Maira Kalman’s Fireboat: The Heroic Adventures of the John J. Harvey inspires all of us to be heroic, no matter our size or age and is our book of the month. Visit fireboat.org and read additional news article.

September 11 is Patriot Day. Patriot Day is to remember those who were injured or died during the terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11, 2001. September 11th reminds us of all those who displayed great acts of courage that day. We must remember that ordinary citizens have the power to be extraordinary.

  • Decorate a medal in honor of a fallen hero. Find a name here.
  • How will you show courage this year? Post your comment below.