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We look forward to having spectators this winter season. Please see the following rules for the our home contests. 

  • The entrance for spectators will only be at the tennis court side entrance to the gym. 
  • Spectators will be admitted 30 minutes before game time, not sooner. (Today’s Varsity Game begins @ 4:30 PM, spectators will be admitted starting at 4 PM). 
  • Masks must be worn by spectators at all times in the building. 
  • No food or drink is allowed in the gymnasium.
  • Spectators should not sit on a seat that has a taped “X” on it. 
  • There will be a spectator limit. When the limit is reached, we will not allow any else in the game unless they were already on the players list given in advance. No exceptions.
  • Spectators who do not follow the directions of the Tappan Zee staff/security or administration will be asked to leave the premises.  

Thank you for your cooperation! We appreciate it! 

If you have any questions, please email Athletic Director Bill Pilla

#DutchmenPride #WeAreTZ

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