South Orangetown Central School District

Family Services

Family Engagement Center

The South Orangetown Family Engagement Center (FEC) promotes active parent involvement to support student success, from pre-K through graduation. All programs and services are offered at no cost and include Pre-K Playgroups, parent workshops, a drop-in resource center and ParentChild+ home visit program for families who may not have access to preschool or face other challenges. View the FEC page.

Family Supports

Families in need of food, clothing, school supplies or assistance with school-related expenses (such as field trips), are encouraged to reach out to their school counselor, principal or

Information regarding the SOCSD Food Pantry can be found here. In addition, a detailed list of community-based resources and contacts is available on our Community Resources page.

Homeless Families

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act provides protections for students who are living in a shelter, car, park, bus, train, campsite, other temporary living situation, or with another person or family, due to loss of housing or as a result of economic hardship.

Students protected under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act are entitled to immediate enrollment in school, even if they do not have the documents normally required, such as proof of residency, school records, immunization records, or birth certificate. These students may also be entitled to other services. Parents or guardians who believe their child may be eligible should complete the Residency Questionnaire and return to the District Registrar.