Emily’s Idea – A Little Creation Can Make a BIG Difference!

Our great friend Ms. Eyer (Library Media Specialist at TZHS) has found this AMAZING book: Emily’s Idea written by Christine Evans. This book truly reminds us: We Are All in This Together! Please look at the slideshow of how to create as many dolls as we can, just like Emily. Like sidewalk chalk and rainbow… Read More Emily’s Idea – A Little Creation Can Make a BIG Difference!

Happy School Library Month of 2020!! A Different Kind of School Library Month …

We ALL miss our lives at WOS!  I miss all of your faces so so much!!  Ya know what I really don’t miss – THE COMPUTER SCREEN! It is easy to spend SO much time on the computer doing “online learning”, reading, face-timing with friends, but we all need a break from the screens sometimes. … Read More Happy School Library Month of 2020!! A Different Kind of School Library Month …

Women’s History Month: Harriet Tubman Was a True Hero!

This book is a remarkable reverse timeline of Harriet Tubman’s life and all of the jobs and roles that Harriet Tubman held over her life.  Everyone has a story, and it is incredible to hear about all of the parts of one person’s journey, especially Harriet Tubman. Lesa Cline Ransome has written this incredible story… Read More Women’s History Month: Harriet Tubman Was a True Hero!