Sharing Facts

Second grade students are working in small groups to research nonfiction topics. Students think and read nonfiction texts analytically, including reading for central ideas, synthesizing, and comparing and contrasting. In order to share what they have learned, students will collaboratively design a poster using Google Draw to visually explain their selected nonfiction topic. In addition, students will create a QR Code Cube which will display detailed text about their topic. Both the poster created in Google Draw and the QR Code Cube will be displayed as a museum walk for classmates to circulate through and explore topics using an iPad QR Code App.

Follow the step by step directions below to create your nonfiction QR Code Cube.

Step One:

Write six interesting, detailed facts about your topic. 

Step Two:

Use QR Code Generator below to create the code. 

 Step Three: 

Type or copy and paste your writing prompt in the text area of the QR Code generator. Follow the instruction on the QR Code Generator page in order to save and print your QR Code. Repeat for all six detailed facts.

Step Four: 

Use and print this template for a printable cube. Carefully cut out the template.

Step Five:

Cut out all six QR Codes and paste them onto the cube template, when cutting be sure NOT to cut into the code.

Step Six:

There are many QR Code readers. Currently my favorite QR code scanning app is i-nigma.Go to on your device.

Have fun learning about all the nonfiction topics your classmates researched!


View the 20 minute video below to see other ways you can use QR Codes in your classroom to make it more interactive.

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