(845) 680-1301 rnerkizian@socsd.org

Happy 100th day!

Our 100th day of school was spent celebrating the number 100 and thinking back on all that we have learned since the beginning of school in September. 100 is a special number because it is a part of our base 10 system of counting and thinking about increments of 10 help us understand and place value better.  Plus, it's just a fun and special number…and it means that we are more than half way through first grade!  We particpiated in different 100th day Olympic activities such as:

Standing on 1 foot for 100 seconds,

(our winners who were still standing on one foot after 1 minute and 40 seconds)

Writing our name as many times as we could in 100 seconds,

We predicted that kids with shorter names would be able to write their first name more times than those with longer names in 100 seconds.  Here were our totals:

and being quiet for 100 whole entire seconds!!!!

We also came up with 100 words that we know.  Some kids worked alone and some worked with Mrs. Nerkizian to think of words in categories.


Another activity that we did was to make a picture out of the numbers 1 0 and 0.  Different people saw different things.  Here are some of our pictures:

A toucan!

A girl

A car

What do you see?

Ever try to solve 100 addition problems?  We did!

Our first day of school was way back in September 4th.  We took out some calendars and worked in partners to figure out what the date will be 100 days from now (including weekends and holidays).  With a partner, everyone counted in groups of 10.  Then they had to think about what the weather might be like at that time of year.

 If the 100th day of school was February 21st, what do YOU think the date will be 100 days from now?

What are your favorite memories, events, or activities from the first 100 days?  What are you excited about doing in the remainder of the year?