Question 4 11/30/2015

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  • #449
    Mrs. Coatti

    If you could be friends with one character in the book, who would it be? Why?


    In the book ‘Wringer’ by Jerry Spinelli, I would want to be friends with Dorothy because if someone was bullying someone she would stand up for them.I know this because in the story on ‘Pigeon Day’ Beans was bullying them and Dorothy stood up for herself and Palmer. That is why I would want Dorothy’s friend.


    Sorry this is late. I agree with Kathryn. I would like to be friends with Dorothy because from my earlier readings I have noticed how much fun Palmer has with Dorothy when they are playing together. Also she has a strong personality and is not afraid to say what she thinks. This is why I would want to be friends with Dorothy.


    Good thinking Kate and Kathryn.I would also want to be friends with Dorothy because if I ever need help I know she will be there for me.Also if Dorothy wasn’t in the book Palmer would be in a lot of trouble because Dorothy speaks out for Palmer.That is why I would want Dorothy to be my friend.

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