Question 1 11/23/15

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  • #369
    Mrs. Coatti

    We just finished the book “Crash” by Jerry Spinelli. After reading this book, what life lesson have you learned? Use text evidence to support your thinking.


    After reading “Crash” by Jerry Spinelli I learned that one of the life lessons of the story is that everyone changes. I think this because is in the beginning of the book Crash sort of bullied Penn for how he was, but towards the end of the book Crash and Penn started to speak to each others and at the end of the book they were best friends. Another reason I think this is because in the middle of the book when Jane was introduced Crash and Jane didn’t get along for a long time and at the end of the book Jane ended up inviting Crash to her fourth of July party. Finally is because towards the middle of the book when Mike was introduced Crash and Mike were good friends and then towards the end of the book they went from always hanging out and speaking to each other to not interacting with each other at all. As you can see this is one of the life lessons of the story.


    Good job Nick. I totally agree and I think your response is really good.After reading “Crash” by Jerry Spinelli I realized a life lesson in the book. The life lesson was to never judge someone by there look and that everyone changes like Nicks idea. One reason I think this because in the text it said how Crash didn’t like Penn at the beginning and middle of the story. He showed this by when Mike came to town Crash and Mike always bullied Penn with what he’s wearing like his buttons and how he gets he’s cloths from the Second Time Around store, and that’s the thrift shop “were poor people shop.” Then all of a sudden the very last sentence of the book was “Penn is my best friend.”That’s is why I think a life lesson in this book is to never judge someone by there looks and people change.


    After reading the book “Crash” by Jerry Spinelli I learned a life lesson, that life lesson is people change and you have to except that. In the beginning of the book Crash says that Webb is “dorking up the sidewalk” and Crash is being a bully to him throughout most of the book. Yet the last sentence in the book is “Penn Webb is my best friend.” Another reason I think the life lesson in this story is people can change is when Crash really liked Jane in the middle of the book and then when Crash saw Jane helping Penn, Crash got really jealous and didn’t feel the same way about her anymore.
    This is why I think the life lesson in the story “Crash” by Jerry Spinelli is In life, people can change and you have to except that.


    Nice job guys.

    After reading ”Crash” by Jerry Spinelli I thought the theme was that in life you must respect the differences of other people. I think that is the theme because Crash was questioning Penn’s family like when he said he didn’t like the food they had and he was almost angry that they didn’t have a television in their house. Another reason why that could be the theme is because Crash got jealous about Jane like Olivia said Crash was disrespecting their actions by making fun of Penn despite Jane Tat is why I think the theme is : In life you must respect other peoples differences.


    Great job guys I totally agree with you. After reading the book “Crash” by Jerry Spinelli I have realized that the life lesson in the book is not to jump to conclusions so quickly. In the book Crash and Mike (Crash’s frind) likes to torture Penn ever since he has moved from North Dakota to Pennsylvania where Mike and Crash live. I aslo agree with Nickolas, Bett and Olivia that people can change. In the book Crash had a little crush on Jane Forbes but he got a little jelous when he saw Jane help Penn clean off his shoes, even though Crash was the person who squirted musterd in them. But in the end he gets invited to Jane Forbes party. Also in the text the last sentence of the book is “Penn Webb is my best friend.” This proves to me that you can’t jump to conclusions about people. It also proves that when people change it sometimes could be for the better, espically in Crash’s case because it made him a better person.

    Mrs. Coatti

    Wow! What an insightful conversation! It is important to understand that books can contain multiple themes. Just make sure you can justify the the theme with text evidence. I just love how you complimented each other’s response! Keep up the great work! Remember to proofread before posting a response. I hope you are all enjoying your new book. Let’s think of a fun discussion question for tomorrow!

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