Our Class Charter

Our class charter is a document that we wrote together to describe how we want to feel in our classroom and what we can do to make sure everyone feels that way. We all signed this important document as a promise to stand by each other and support one another. We worked very hard and right now we are in the middle of decorating the wall around it. What did you enjoy about creating our class charter? Do you think we are doing a good job following it? Please take some time and reflect below.

7 thoughts on “Our Class Charter

  1. I enjoyed when we got to share our feelings with each other and I think that so far we are doing a good job following the rules on the charter. It was a fun experience and I think that in the future we will still treat each other with kindness and follow what it says on the charter.

  2. I think we should all at least try to follow this charter.It is important to make others feel how they want to feel.We should always follow this so we work in a safe and peaceful environment.We should always try to do our best.It was a fun and exciting process to make our classroom charter.

  3. I enjoyed making our class charter, and I think we are doing a good job following it. But, sometimes we need to do a better job respecting Mrs Coatti and Mrs Chichetti, and listening to what they are saying, because it can be very important, and it is not nice to have side conversations while a teacher is talking anyway.

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