Adventures Begin at Your Library



Don’t forget to register for the summer reading program that is held at your local library.

This summer, we hope you meet new characters, explore new places and experience new adventures all through your reading experiences.

  • Readers have many different reasons to read, and those reasons are different for everyone.
  •  Reading can be AWESOME and it only gets better as you get STRONGER at it!
  • Make a plan to read over the 73 days of summer vacation.
  • Here are a few suggestions: listen to an audio book, read outdoors, visit the public library (we have The Fab. 5 in our community), read a book set in a country other than the U.S., read a graphic novel or a comic, read a How-To Book and make something, read a book published in 2023, read by the pool or at the beach, start a summer book club with friends, read a book published the year you were born, read with a pet or friend, read a biography, read in a plane,train, or automobile, read an eBook, stay up late and read past your bedtime, read with a family member.

Click the links to listen to a story or two or more…

Summer 2024 Book Trailers  Click the link to view over 100 book trailers on YouTube.  Find your next GREAT Read.


Just read it!  Trade screen time for time with a book. Challenge yourself to read one book from each genre. Shade in the icons as you read each type of book.

Books Take You Places 

Don’t stress over travel plans this summer!  Staying home bound?  No worries at all.  Books can take you places without leaving your front steps or couch.  Take a trip to each of the seven continents using the suggested book lists linked above.