Wonder, Explore, Read, Learn & Discover

Mrs. Wagner





KidLit Picks

KidLit Picks

What Next?

What Next?

Graphic Novel Series

Fiction Series

Welcome to a New Library “W.E.R.L.D.”

Welcome back to a New Learning World that we will navigate together!   Our learning experience is different compared to our past.  We will be resilient and persevere together.

This year when you come to Library W.E.R.L.D. you can expect to wonder, explore, read, learn and discover!  Your time in Library W.E.R.L.D. will open your mind and heart to reading.  From the research process to developing vocabulary to enhancing creativity you will be amazed by these experiences through reading!  Please tour this new website and begin your journey traveling Cottage Lane’s new Library “WERLD.”

CLE Kids are Readers Over the Summer Vacation 2024

Adventures Begin at Your Library



Don’t forget to register for the summer reading program that is held at your local library.

This summer, we hope you meet new characters, explore new places and experience new adventures all through your reading experiences.

  • Readers have many different reasons to read, and those reasons are different for everyone.
  •  Reading can be AWESOME and it only gets better as you get STRONGER at it!
  • Make a plan to read over the 73 days of summer vacation.
  • Here are a few suggestions: listen to an audio book, read outdoors, visit the public library (we have The Fab. 5 in our community), read a book set in a country other than the U.S., read a graphic novel or a comic, read a How-To Book and make something, read a book published in 2023, read by the pool or at the beach, start a summer book club with friends, read a book published the year you were born, read with a pet or friend, read a biography, read in a plane,train, or automobile, read an eBook, stay up late and read past your bedtime, read with a family member.

Click the links to listen to a story or two or more…

Summer 2024 Book Trailers  Click the link to view over 100 book trailers on YouTube.  Find your next GREAT Read.


Just read it!  Trade screen time for time with a book. Challenge yourself to read one book from each genre. Shade in the icons as you read each type of book.

Books Take You Places 

Don’t stress over travel plans this summer!  Staying home bound?  No worries at all.  Books can take you places without leaving your front steps or couch.  Take a trip to each of the seven continents using the suggested book lists linked above.



Celebrating Our Diversity :Down Syndrome Day

No two people in the whole world are exactly the same! This is something worth celebrating! World Down Syndrome Day is one day we celebrate our uniqueness! It is held on March 21. One fun way people show their support is by holding a “Rock your Socks” event. By wearing unique brightly colored socks, you show that you love our diverse world! On World Down Syndrome Day, we want to teach others about Down syndrome. We want people to know that although people with Down syndrome may look or act a little different than us, we are ALL different and those differences are WONDERFUL!  

Down syndrome Awareness

Help spread awareness!

  • Learn more about Down syndrome and teach others!
  • October is Down Syndrome Awareness month.
  • March 21 is World Down Syndrome Day.
  • Blue and Yellow are the colors that are used to represent Down syndrome.
  • Hold a “Rock your Socks” day at school!
  • Get to know someone with Down syndrome and invite them to do something fun with you!

Research Project

Check out these 5 amazing people with Down syndrome. Find out what they are known for and write down 3 interesting facts you find out about them! Use complete sentences!

September 11th: A Day to Remember and a Day to Reflect

It is difficult to believe that so much time has passed — it seems like yesterday — since we heard those first unbelievable reports that a plane, then another plane, had crashed into the buildings of the World Trade Center. For a generation of students, the events that day — in New York City, Washington, D.C., and a field in Pennsylvania — are crucial. Their impact will never be forgotten.

The anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, offers a time to remember, to reflect about this unforgettable moment in history, and to reconsider the effect that September 11 has had on our country and the world.

9/11 Kids ‘Cast a New Light on Darkness’ with We Go Higher, a Groundbreaking Documentary About Them –

– and By Them

Today we are going to take a lot of time and think deeply about the heroes that are near and far.  We will think about the heroes that gave a lot and those that gave it all.

What makes a hero a hero?

Task 1: Personal Heroes

Have a discussion at your table about the heroes in your own lives. This will be a whole table chat.  Think about family members, friends, neighbors, teachers, coaches, and so on. Do you have special admiration for any of these people? What qualities do you admire? Why?

Task 2: All Heroes Don’t Wear Capes

Pair up with a neighbor and read about those who gave it all on September 11th.

Task 3:There’s a Hero in all of Us

Think about times in your own life when you faced a challenge in order to help someone. Look through the picture frame as you verbally share a time when you went out of the way to help someone. Each tablemate will get a turn telling their story.


It’s Back to School We Go!

Children everywhere go to school.  Children everywhere want to learn about the world and their place in it.  Let’s travel around the world and capture the diversity of school experiences, compare and contrast  first day experiences to different cultures.  Have your passport ready as you click the links below.

Travel to West Africa to meet Lilly, Charlotte and Esther as they share their first day of school experiences. The program follows the stories of these three girls as they complete their last year of secondary school. Esther shares her daily routine, which involves waking up very early in the morning and working hard throughout the day.

 First Day Experiences    username:cle345      password:learn345


Book Trailer: This is how we do it

What Should I Read Next?

Click to Flip Book Menus Over 20 Book Menus to click and flip through to help you find a good fit book

The Mighty 5 Libraries are providing curb-side pick up and are offering a plethora of e-books to read:





Databases & Search Engines

Databases & Search Engines







CLE Museum

CLE Museum