Kahoot Winners
And the winners are... ENRICHMENT 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place TECH Erik James Chris W.E.R.L.D. Erik Orlagh Jace PE Sean Kate Isaac Music Erik James Diane 3rd Liv Jace Eli 4th Erik Brian Isaac 5th Kate Yasmin London Art Madeline Erik Dylan...
Week of Review – June 22nd
This week we would like to review our areas of enrichment with Kahoot games. You have until Thursday at 3pm to play any or all of our reviews. Two rules: You can only play each game once. When you are asked for your “nickname” you must write your first name and...
Week of Reflection – June 15th
This week is dedicated to reflection. "Reflection is an integral part of the learning process. It allows us to learn more about ourselves and how we learn, but it also aids us in improving academic skills. Consider sports teams that watch film of the previous night's...
Sudoku Challenge Week
This week, Mrs. Guzas, Mrs. Wagner and I will be sponsoring the Sudoku challenge. Sudokus are well structured and predictable puzzles – just like mathematics. Solving Sudoku puzzles can be challenging, but the rules for finding the answers are quite straight forward:...
Magical Monday – Think A Grams
This is a fast-thinking game that challenges players to decipher everyday words and phrases using clues from the way the words are written on a page. Have fun! Please remember to use all CAPS! Don't forget to comment on this post if you played with a family member. ...