845-680-1533 kmcbride@socsd.org
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This week we would like to review our areas of enrichment with Kahoot games. 

You have until Thursday at 3pm to play any or all of our reviews.  

Two rules:

  1. You can only play each game once.
  2. When you are asked for your “nickname” you must write your first name and your teacher’s last name.  Ex.  Sean Arietta

Highest Scorers will be announced on Friday!

Technology Technology Kahoot!
Art Art Kahoot!  
PE CLE Physical Education Kahoot!
Music Music Kahoot!
CLE W.E.R.L.D. Review Kahoot!

3rd Graders ONLY – Third Grade End of Year Trivia

4th Graders ONLY – Fourth Grade End of Year Trivia

5th Graders ONLY – Fifth Grade End of Year Trivia

Counseling  Mindfulness Kahoot