845-680-1533 kmcbride@socsd.org
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Did you know that Green was not the first color associated with St. Patrick? So how did green come to represent this holiday? Go to the History Channel to find out why and find out additional trivia about St. Patrick’s Day.

Can you outwit the tricky leprechaun? Click HERE to play Trap the Leprechaun. Try to catch the leprechaun by trapping him in with the blocks.

St. Patrick’s Day JOKES:

  • Did you hear about the leprechaun who worked at the diner?
    He was a short order cook!
  • How did the leprechaun beat the Irishman to the pot of gold?
    He took a shortcut!
  • Where will you always find gold?
    In the dictionary!

What do you consider to be your lucky item? Do you have a lucky number? A lucky pair of socks for test day? A lucky shiny stone? Make a comment in the post section of the blog and let us know what your lucky item is and why!