Can you name the presidents in this photo? Why are these four presidents on Mount Rushmore?
The history of the United States is built on the achievements of our great presidents. George Washington helped push forward the birth of our nation, Abraham Lincoln emancipated the slaves and Franklin D. Roosevelt steered us through the perils of World War II. This online exhibition, Abraham Lincoln: An Extraordinary Life, from the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History commemorates the 200th anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln and covers each major period of Lincoln's private and public life, especially his years in Washington. Post what interested you most.
Abraham Lincoln is an extraordinary man! From pioneer to president, Abraham Lincoln has freed the slaves and brought this country back together after some hard times with the Confederate states. Even though he only had two years of schooling it seems like he had twenty. He is a great man and an awesome president!
What interested me most was how many jobs Abraham Lincoln had. He was a farmer, laborer, raftsman, store clerk, postman, and surveyor!
What interested me was that Lincoln watched his father get killed by Indians I did not know there were still Indians back then.
What interested me the most was that Abraham was able to get so many jobs. Abraham was a Farmer, laborer, rafts man, store clerk, postman, and surveyor.
What I found interesting was how he used to be a little kid born in the countryside but then he grew up to be a memorable leader and president of the Union during the Civil War. He led his troops to battle to win victory over the Confederacy Army and abolish slavery all across America. From peasant to president, Abe Lincoln really did change history forever.
I never knew that Abraham Lincoln had a step mother. I feel bad that he had to move a lot and that his mother died. I’m happy that Abraham’s step mother supported him in his books. Abraham Lincoln is my favorite president!
Abraham Lincoln was a great role model, inpriration, and president for everyone. He was a kind and giving person at all times, even when something went wrong or if he was mad at someone. One thing I thought was so kind of him was that he walked to someone’s house miles to return them change he never gave them. Plus, it was only 6 cents! I don’t know if I would walk for miles to return something so small like that 🙂
I really never knew that Lincoln made an invention. It is really cool that he made something that can lift boats from shallow water. It probably helped a lot of big boats because in shallow water they get stuck eisley in shallow water.