Share a Coke with a Character….

Did you notice all of the “Share A Coke” bottles on the bulletin board in our school? Each bottle has a teachers name on it. Did you see your teacher’s name? The bottles were modified to read “Share a great year with…. #2014-2015.”

This summer, Coca-Cola invited Great Britain to “Share A Coke.” Putting names on bottles around town and up in lights… it look like Great Britain loved it!

Today, it is your turn to create your own “Share A Coke!” Which book character would you like to “Share a Coke” with and why? Support your opinion with a reason and evidence.

Here is an example:

I choose to “Share A Coke” with Amelia Bedelia! Things don’t always turn out right for Amelia Bedelia. Just like me, she gets confused and makes mis-steaks! This is why I would like to “Share A Coke” with Amelia Bedelia!


To get started, use this template to create your “Share a Coke” with a character! When you have completed the template, transfer your work to the Google presentation below.


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