Exploring animals from home

When we were still in school, we were learning about and writing “All About” books. Many children had chosen to write about favorite animals, and I was thinking that this may be a good time to learn about animals and write some “All About” books while we are at home. One animal that kindergartners love to read and learn about is penguins! I had seen this story about the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago that had some rock hopper penguins go on field trips in the aquarium. These penguins are so cute!

I wanted to find out more about these penguins, so I started doing some research.  Did you know there are many kinds of penguins?  These are Rockhopper penguins.  The Rockhopper penguins have bright yellow feather tufts that look like eyebrows on their heads.  Their most unusual trait is their ability to hop from rock to rock to their nesting places. They keep both feet together when hopping. by hopping this way, they are able to hop up to four or five feet!  They have red eyes and pink legs and feet.  They are amazing swimmers with powerful flippers and webbed feet to help them in the water.  They mostly eat krill, a small ocean animal, and small fish.  Rockhopper penguins can be at sea for days at a time while hunting and they catch their food by diving deep into the water for minutes at a time.

rockhopper penguinRockhopper Penguin

What is your favorite kind of penguin?  You can learn about different penguins using the links below.  Write an “All About” book telling about your favorite.  Be sure to have an interesting cover that tells what your book is about, 1-3 facts that teaches about your topic, pictures with labels that teach the reader, and expert words that you can teach the reader even more.  Scan or take a picture of your book to and send to me.  I can’t wait to see what you write and draw about!  Then keep scrolling to see more fun animal activities you can do at home.

You can go to Scholastic Let’s Find Out

and log in as a student using the classroom password “veryfan1065” and then search for penguins.  There are lots of activities and videos, as well as many other topics you can check out!

Gentoo Penguins

Adelie Penguins

Humboldt Penguins

Emperor Penguins



Explore books about penguins:


Live animal cams- become experts by observing different animals.  What do you notice? What is something new you learned?

Monterey Bay Aquarium

San Diego Zoo

Animal Cams- Earth Cams

Smithsonian National Zoo

Explore Cams

Go on a penguin yoga adventure:


More penguin games and activities

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