
What will your "ISH-fully" ever after look like?

squiggleWhat will your squiggle be?
1. Print the squiggle above or recreate it on a piece of paper.
2. Flip, turn, color, and create something-ish using the Squiggle.
3. Be creative!
4. Don't forget your name.
5. Don't forget a title. Ex.  Something-Ish

Earth Day

Take a closer look at the recycling process with Waste Management's Mr. Cool Can. This video follows paper, plastic, glass and aluminum through the waste management material recovery facility.

Now play My Garbology is an interactive game that teaches about sorting garbage for recycling, reusing, and composting. Sort garbage into four bins according to where you think each piece of garbage should go. Click the image below.
mygarbage.jjpgPost one idea on how you can reuse a water bottle!


Being flexible helps us when we need to cope with changes. Flexibility helps us to think about problems in new, creative ways. Listen to It Looked Like Spilt Milk by Charles Shaw.


What does this look like to you?  Come up with three different ideas. 


From Blackberry Ink by Eve Merriam
Bella had a new umbrella
Didn't want to lose it,
So when she walked out in the rain
She didn't ever use it.
Her nose went sniff,
Her shoes went squish,
Her socks grew soggy,
Her glasses got foggy,
Her pockets filled with water
And a little green froggy.
All she could speak was a weak Kachoo!
But Bella's umbrella Stayed nice and new.
Was Bella flexible in this poem? What would you have done?

Listen to: Tom Chapin's Incredible Flexible You, Track 9.

Challenge: Suppose you were given these three objects: one flip-flop, an empty water bottle, a shoelace. Which one of the three would you give up if you had to give one back? Why? What could you do with the other two things? Could you use them together? How?


Persistence is the word of the month for March.  It is important to remember that all activities take hard work and determination. Sometimes a task maybe easy but when activities are difficult you must not give up.  Persistence to achieve even through a difficult task will benefit you greatly.  The Little Engine that Could, Dumpy LaRue, The Giving Tree, and The Very Hungry Caterpillar all show characters who never give up.  Here is Eric Carle reading is very own book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

Ask your parents about a time in their lives when they showed great persistence.  What did they learn? What was the outcome? What could have happened if they gave up? How did they feel in the beginning and in the end? Now think of something in your life that is hard for you.  Make a commitment to show persistence like one of the characters from the titles above and post it to our blog.

Keep Learning: Are you interested in learning more about caterpillars and butterflies?  Visit the San Diego Zoo today!

St. Patrick’s Day

Did you know that Green was not the first color associated with St. Patrick? So how did green come to represent this holiday? Go to the History Channel to find out why and find out additional trivia about St. Patrick's Day.

Watch the video, My Lucky Day by Eric Herman.

What do you consider to be your lucky item? Do you have a lucky number? Maybe you wear a lucky pair of socks for game day? Do you have a lucky shiny stone? Post a comment to our blog and let us know what your lucky item is and why!



February's word of the month is kindness.  This time of year, especially Valentine's Day, we want to express our love to others and show concern for others.  Each and every one of us has the power to make others feel better or worse. Making others feel better is much more fun and actually make us feel good too. Listen to Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch by Eileen Spinelli. Find out what changes Mr. Hatch and how that affects others.

Try to "show your heart" by doing acts of kindness for others. Share what you did and how this act of kindness made you feel.

Groundhog Day

groundhogdayThere is a legend that says a few hundred years ago Europeans brought Ground Hog Day to America. They said that the ground hog wakes up from his hibernation on February 2. (February 2 is half way between winter and spring.) If he comes up from his hole and it is sunny, he will see his shadow and be frightened. If he sees his shadow, there will be 6 more weeks of winter weather. But if he comes up and the sky is cloudy, he will not see his shadow and will not be frightened. Then spring weather will come very soon. Watch these videos about groundhogs and Groundhog Day. Post one interesting fact you learned. If the fact is already posted, please post a different fact.

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