Design Challenge 1

Coffee Mug Challenge

Now it is time to test out the knowledge you have learned during the tutorials! mug

Mr. Eckert loves his coffee but he doesn’t have a coffee mug here in SOMS. Use what you have learned about Tinkercad to create a coffee mug. Now, before you start, there are some requirements that you must follow in your design.


  1. The cylinder of the mug should be 82mm wide.
  2. The cylinder of the mug should be 136 mm tall.
  3. The mug should be able to hold liquid (needs to be hollow).
  4. The mug should have a handle.

Challenges (try to complete them all):

  • The mug has a design on it.
  • The mug has Mr. Eckert’s name on it.
  • The mug’s walls are 5mm thick on the cylinder.