P.E. Enrichment-Group 2

Our second group of P.E. Enrichment has been off to a great start! We integrated iPads into a variety of fitness stations to help students calculate their heart rate. Utilizing the Cardiio App (Heart Rate Monitor) helped students get a visual of their resting heart rate compared to their exercising heart rate. 

P.E. Enrichment-Group 1

Our first group of P.E. Enrichment was a major success! Our kids were able to experience new activities that are designed to enhance cardiovascular/muscular endurance and build upon social skills. Our next group of P.E. Enrichment will start on 3/2/17. Have a great Mid-Winter Recess and keep on moving!

P.E. Enrichment Dates:

• Cycle 2: 3/2/17–3/9/17–3/16/17–3/23/17–3/30/17

• Cycle 3: 4/6/17—4/20/17—4/27/17—5/4/17—5/11/17

• Cycle 4: 5/18/17—5/25/17—6/1/17—6/8/17—6/15/17

WOS Parachute

Our parachute unit has been very exciting here at WOS! Students have had the opportunity to participate in a variety of parachute activities that enhance muscular endurance, socialization, cooperation, and perceptual motor skills.

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WOS Obstacle Course

Our WOS students have been very excited to participate in our obstacle course! This course gave students the opportunity to build upon their gross motor skills such as coordination, balance, running, and climbing. Not only did this course enhance their physical skills, but it helped students gain confidence and positive self-esteem while completing these challenges!!

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2016 Nature & Fitness Trail

This year’s Nature Trail has been a great experience for our children here at William O. Schaefer. Our students have learned about the benefits of going on a hike such as increasing their cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, and developing positive self-esteem. This is a great activity that students can participate in with their families and friends for a lifetime!

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Below is a great article from the American Hiking Society to help you and your family learn more about hiking and plan your first trip!

Families on Foot


Hula-Hoop Unit

Our next unit is Hula-Hoops! This is a great unit where students are meeting all of the NYS Physical Education standards as well as reinforcing mental math skills. Today students were utilizing their communication, collaboration, and critical thinking skills while creating their hula hoop house!

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1st and 2nd Grade Health Walk

The first and second grade health walk was a great success! We are happy so many families were able to come out and walk with us! Walking is a great way to come together with family or friends and exercise!



There are countless ways to enjoy physical activity together as a family:

  • Walk the dog, go for a jog, go on a bike ride, take the stairs or head to the park and let kids run around for a while.
  • Celebrate special occasions—like birthdays or anniversaries—with something active, such as a hike, a volleyball or soccer game or playing Frisbee at the park.
  • Walk instead of drive whenever you can. If you have to drive, find a spot at the far end of the parking lot and walk to where you’re going.
  • Park farther away and count with your children the number of steps from the car to your destination. Write it down and see if you can park even farther away on your next stop.
  • Train as a family for a charity walk or run.