William O. Schaefer Elementary School

For December, our theme is Communities Support Everyone. We recognize many different holidays this month. During our Character Education assembly, we discussed Hanukah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa.

Our book of the month is Your Name is a Song written by Jamilah Thompkins-Bigelow. In this book, the main character, Kora-Jalimuso leaves school upset because her teacher and classmates did not know how to pronounce her name. On their walk home, her mother teachers her how beautiful names are by showing her that names are like songs. The little girl begins to understand that even though her name might not be familiar to her classmates, it is special and beautiful. The book stresses the importance of acceptance. Acceptance is understanding and celebrating what makes everyone different and unique. We can show acceptance by including everyone, being kind, and getting to know our classmates better. When we use people’s names and say them correctly it is a sign of respect and a way of recognizing and accepting them. This month, students were empowered to correct people if they mispronounce their name and teach them the proper pronunciation.

This month students will celebrate their unique names. They designed their own music notes and explained why their name is special. The finished project is displayed in the hallway between the cafeteria and the gymnasium.

Listen to a read aloud of the book of the month…


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