Facts About Jane Goodall
- Jane Helped chimps
- Jane made her dream come true. Jane’s dream was to live among chimps.
- Jane Had the same birthday as her sister even though they are not twins. Judy was born in April 3, 1938. Jane was born April 3, 1934.
- Jane has a toy chimp called Jubilee.
Here’s a picture of Jane.
Time Line 1. Jane Goodall was born April 3, 1934
2. Judy Jane’s sister is born April 3, 1983. On Jane’s 4th birthday Judy was born.
3. March 13, 1957 Jane goes to Africa.
4. 1964 Jane marries Hugo van Luwick
Early Life
Jane was born Apirl 3, 1934 in London England her family members are her mother, her father
and her sister Judy. As Jane grew up she dreamed of living among wild chimpannzees.
Jane also loved animals. One time she brought worms in her bed. In the mornning she had to put them back in the garden. Jane had a love for animals
Jane Goodall believed in her dream of living among wild chimpanzees.
Most people said this would never happen.
But Jane believed in her self .
So if you believe in you’re self you could do anything.
All you need to do is believe.