Christopher Lloyd

Wax Museum > > Christopher Lloyd

Christopher Lloyd played in multiple awsome movies like back to the future 1,2,3,star trek 2 and much more! He was born on october 22,1938 in stamford,connecticut he has 6-7-8 brother and he was married and devorced 4 times with Cathrine boyd,kay tornoburg,carol vane and jane walker wood. He was very shy when he was little even now he is a solatary person. In 1975 he played in one flew over the cookou nest then in 1988 he acted in BACK TO THE FUTURE and in 1989 he played in back to the future 2 and in 1990 he played in back to the future 3. In 1988 he even played the klingon leader in star trek 2. He also played uncle fester from adams family in 1993. Then in 1983 he played in the famous taxi.He has 2 great quotes from back to the future and they are”we need 14 point 41 jijawats!” and”roads! where were going we dont need roads!”and alot more! He played in over 200 movies and hes only about 75 years old! he also usualy is one of the main characters in lots of his movies.I chose him because i love his movies especialy back to the future.He liked doing back to the future series because he got to kiss someone he kinda had a crush on.He also survived a large fire that burnt down his house in calafornia.He is a very warm blooded person who is heart warming and kind loving person.

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christopher lloydchristopher lloyd