Anyone Can Be A Hero!

This month’s word is COURAGE. We think of skydivers and daredevils when we think of courage. We think about the military and its veterans. We certainly think of the NYPD and FDNY first responders who risk their lives to save others.

Absolutely those people show courage. But that’s not the only way to show courage. You show courage any time something’s not easy, but you do it anyway. If you introduce yourself to a new friend on the Buddy Bench, that’s courage. If you stand up for someone who’s being mistreated, you’re showing courage. If going to school makes you nervous and you get on that bus anyway, that’s courage.

Yesterday we read The Man in the Red Bandanna.  Today we received red bandannas to remember Welles Crowther and the other heroes of 9/11, but also to remind us that we have that courage in ourselves, and those heroes can inspire us to be courageous too.

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