Talk with your family about how you and your family needed math today. You didn’t just do math this morning on your activity list. Maybe you needed math at lunch. Maybe your mom needed math when she wrote a check. Maybe you needed math to share cookies with your brother!
Give one or two examples of math in everyday life. Do NOT write things like, “I needed it for my math homework.”
I know some of you will come up with really interesting ideas! If you think of more later, go ahead and add them!
I used math at lunch today. I counted two quarters to make 50 cents. My mom used math at the gas station today. She had to give the man $20, so she gave him two $10 bills.
I used math when I had to split cookies between my brothers and I.
We each ate two cookies.
I use math when i buy my snack at lunch. Today i gave the luch lady one dollar and she game me back a quater.
I use mathe when i need to figure out a problem
I used Math with a chapter book there was 34 chapters and the postcard was do monday so I did 4 chapters each day i did this 2 days ago.
I needed math to figure out the time.
my dad used math at work because he needed to count parts and to check his sales goals.
I used the microwave timer. My mom split my hair into three equal parts to braid dad cut the potatoes in to quarters.I split my taffy in half so it would not stick to my gma
I used math today when I was play my soccer game to count how many people were on my team and the other team.
when my cousin and I were playing with cards we each got an equal number of cards to play with. :]
We had partners in religion class and we had to get into groups of two.
My mom uses math all the time. She shares treats with is and has to divide it up.