Abraham Lincoln

Wax Museum > > Abraham Lincoln

Claims To Fame
Helping Slavery!
When he was 25 he one his first election!
For being a good leader
He helped win the civil war!
Abraham Lincoln never lied!
Fought for slavery rights!
Early life


I was born febuary 12 1809 in Hodenville Kentucky i grew up in Knob Creek Kentucky .my famliy mebers was my mom Nancy my dad Thomas my sister Sarah and my brother Thomas. my school intrest is i loved to read and learn at school

my quotes  my first quote is all that i am or hope to be i ow to my angel mother my second quote is you can not escape the responsiblity of tomarrow by envading it today.

my interesting facts is one i was the tallestpresident at 6’4 ft 2 some one told me nto grown a breadand i never lied

my inspiration is that he i one uf are greatest president and i am intrested in goverment and its a family traditon.

words of the month is courage because he stude against the south americans.