
Wax Museum > > Michelangelo

motivator58b003d2902b6321103d1f40d81f65e236aed66c.jpgMicholanglo was born in 1456 and died in 1564 he also made a lot of nice art and he was born in a town called capreses his intrest are art scopting and panting and more. One quote is he loved ston so much and in my own words is he loves to paint and suculped.He loves to paint and use water colers. Some of his art is the peta the David and painted the Sisten Capald.David is his most famis scucher and all of his paning are really cool to the sistin capalede is so neat to you shood go there some time but NO pichers back then so they have to panit them becuse they had no power ever they have to mail cards and deliver it of them in 14 nad 15. He loves to paint so so so so much  he new he would spend 4 years on the sisten  capuled.